Pakistan 2022: A Rewind

December is usually known for joyous celebrations as the world awaits a new year with new hope and resolutions. As everyone gears up for 2023,

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Significance of Teamwork

The word “Teamwork” reflects the collaborative effort and the collective wisdom of a group of people to accomplish a common goal. It provides an

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Quaid’s Quote Revisited

75 years on, Quaid-i-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah’s famous quote, “A country without a strong Air Force is at the mercy of any aggressor. Pakistan must build up her Air Force…

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Pakistan under Economic Strangulation?

In my previous article, essentiality of political stability for economic security was discussed in detail. However, in this article, significance of economic security as an element of human security that…

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An Effective Diplonomics is Need of the Hour

The ongoing debate on the transformation of geopolitics to geo-economics is a reflection of policy-maker’s changing priorities due to evolving global and regional dynamics. Geopolitics and geostrategic compulsions have already…

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Seven Decades after Partition

14th August holds great significance for the Pakistani nation. Marking a new chapter in the history of the subcontinent, the state of Pakistan came into being on this day in…

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