Air Marshal Javaid Ahmed, HI (M) (Retd)

I am privileged to welcome you as President of the Centre for Aerospace & Security Studies, Islamabad. Being one of the Founding Directors, I have witnessed firsthand the evolution of CASS from its inception to becoming a pioneering think tank dedicated to the domains of aerospace and emerging technologies in Pakistan.

Over the years, CASS has carved out a distinct niche, focusing on the critical nodes of national security and technological breakthroughs viewed through the prism of aerospace sciences. Its commitment to high calibre research has significantly contributed to its stature and respect in the academic and policy corridors. In this regard, the Centre has come a long way in enhancing its research outputs and in nurturing a dedicated team that drives its success.

As I step into this role, I am filled with enthusiasm for the future. My vision for CASS is clear: to develop the Centre into a pioneering institution, renowned for its forward-thinking approaches and novel research that not only leads but also sets new benchmarks for contemporaries across Pakistan and South Asia. From the complexities of new vistas of aerospace exploration to the evolving landscape of strategic studies, our work is essential in navigating the complexities of a rapidly changing world. Our focus will remain on delivering high-quality research and formulating strategic insights that address the complex challenges of today and tomorrow.

In the coming years, we aim to expand our research agenda to cover more ground in emerging technologies, contributing to shaping a safer, more secure world. We will continue to cultivate an environment that nurtures intellectual growth and promotes a candid and rigorous exchange of ideas, which are essential for achieving this objective.

I look forward to working with other institutions and stakeholders to advance our mission and elevate CASS to new heights of success and recognition. Together, we will strive to make CASS a hub of knowledge and a powerhouse of policy influence in the fields of aerospace, emerging technologies and security studies.