Opinion Articles

Mafias in Modern Times

The term ‘Mafia’ traces its roots to Sicily, where it emerged as a covert international organisation. Initially perceived as a group formed to resist oppression, it swiftly morphed into a nefarious criminal

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Opinion Articles

Revisiting Security in the 21st Century

The 21st Century has been marked by the emergence of new threats ranging from climate change, health and energy crises, political turmoil, economic instability, internal fissures, dual-use

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Opinion Articles

State, Society and Security

The title of this short article might create the perception that it is intended to discuss traditional security matters related to the state and society.

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cyber security
Opinion Articles

Evolving Challenges of Cyber Security

While the brighter side of the information revolution facilitated the human race in connecting more easily and conducting their businesses far more conveniently, the darker side of this revolution has yet to

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