Opinion Articles

Default Risk

The fear of a supposed “default” in Pakistan has been making waves over the past few months, with both local and international press raising extensive

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Opinion Articles

The Digital False Prophets

In recent months, it has become increasingly apparent that the well-worshiped heroes of Silicon Valley are, to put it mildly, inept at dealing with

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Opinion Articles

Liberal Democracy

The archons of “Western democracy” have long professed the belief that liberal democratic ideals are universal and must therefore be spread across the world at any cost. Where they have not promoted

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Opinion Articles

For a Song

The government is mulling the sale of shares in prime state-owned companies to foreign owners, and the rationale being provided is that the country must take desperate measures to avoid an imminent

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Opinion Articles


The world now faces the haunting specter of economic stagnation combined with relentless inflation, a dangerous situation often termed “stagflation” by economists. When prices are rising, but the economy
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