The Case for Cryptocurrencies

There is a burgeoning conversation in Pakistan around the use and ownership of an asset class commonly known as “cryptocurrencies.” While heightened investor, academic, and regulatory interest in this new…

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The Need for a Cohesive National Action Plan

While warfare is as old as human history and its basic objectives remain unchanged, its methods, means and techniques have continuously transformed with the evolution of technology. In modern times,…

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Unfolding the Indian Strategy

The ongoing coronavirus pandemic has impacted the decision-making and political processes around the world. However, international pressure has been left wanting on many emergent political and human rights crises, such…

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The Trouble with Economics

In both the Islamic and Western traditions, ‘economists’ were originally considered to be a category of moral philosophers. For example, Ibn-Khaldun was as much a moral thinker and historian as…

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The Tax Whistleblowers

The Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) has recently proposed a measure that is intriguing, to say the least. It has announced a “whistleblower” incentive, by which any person who reports a tax evader may…

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The Housing of Good Intentions

The Naya Pakistan Housing Program (NPHP) seeks to address a chronic national shortage of affordable housing through the construction of five million homes over a five-year horizon. Government statements stress…

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F as in IMF

An International Monitory Fund (IMF) mission concluded a five-day visit to Pakistan last month, and issued a press statement that highlighted progress in several key areas. The delegation was led…

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Time to Change our Approach

Whenever a terrorist attack occurs anywhere in the world, people in Pakistan hope and pray that the perpetrator isn't from Pakistan. After every such incident, Pakistan is among the first…

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