India’s Indigenous Aircraft Manufacturing: A Reality Check

Narendra Modi initiated an ambitious ‘Make in India’ project in 2014 emphasising domestic manufacturing and removing hurdles that prevented foreign collaboration in the defence sector because of the government’s strict foreign investment and joint venture regulations. Since he arrived in Panchavati (the official residential complex of the Indian PM), the indigenisation drive accelerated considerably.

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‘Made in China 2025’ : Blueprint for Future Industries

The foundation of a nation’s progress lies in its robust industrial sector, shaping its economic vitality and strategic influence. China, having a formidable industrial base, has secured a prominent global standing across diverse sectors. Its ‘Made in China’ (MIC) 2025 project marks a paradigm shift with a primary focus on becoming a global leader in high-tech industries through a dual-pronged approach.

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Role of Big Data in the Predictive Modelling of Conflicts

Big Data is an integral domain of emerging technologies, with one of its applications being predictive modelling of future events. It consists of large volumes of data generated from multiple sources, being subjected to real-time processing and analysis through advanced systems such as Artificial intelligence (AI). Moreover, predictive modelling is a statistical technique that taps into historical and current data to predict future outcomes.

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Challenges for Iran Nuclear Deal’s Revival and its Likely Impact on the Global Non-Proliferation Regime 

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The revival of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), commonly referred to as the Iran Nuclear Deal, is a daunting test of diplomacy, especially for the Biden Administration as well as Iran’s clerical regime. Back in 2015, this Deal faced a chorus of criticism from detractors who described it as having sunset clauses, which merely postpone Iran’s development of nuclear arsenal.

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Boycotts in Flux: Trends & Challenges of Pro-Palestinian Consumer Campaigns

In the wake of Israel’s ongoing genocidal aggression in Gaza, Pakistanis have rallied in solidarity with the Palestinians in large numbers through street demonstrations, digital activism, and by responding to the calls for a boycott of products belonging to companies complicit in Israel’s violation of Palestinian rights.

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Hassan Abbas, The Return of the Taliban: Afghanistan after the Americans Left

Hassan Abbas’s book The Return of the Taliban: Afghanistan after the Americans Left elucidates what followed after the fall of Kabul on 15 August 2021, in Afghanistan. The author guides the reader through an exploration of the Taliban’s challenges and prospects upon assuming power in Afghanistan.

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Usman W. Chohan, Public Value and the Post-Pandemic Society

In the book Public Value and the Post-Pandemic Society, author Dr Usman W. Chohan discusses the ‘post-pandemic’ era through the prism of Public Value (PV) scholarship. The first section of the book, titled ‘Changes and Transitions,’ examines the notions of value transition and value stability in the context of the post-COVID era and discusses the two most salient manifestations of challenges to the post-pandemic society, including stagflation and the great resignation.

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Karl Moore, Generation Why: How Boomers Can Lead and Learn from Millennials and GenZ

We live in an era of generational transition, where a new cohort of GenZ (b.1997-2012) are entering the workforce, Millennials (b.1981-1996) are rising to middle management, and the Senior Boomers (b.1946-1964) are retiring. As a result, there is a mix of generational traits and values found in organisations today.

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Project AVATAR: AI Future of Border Security?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) seems to be on the cusp of automating border security protocols and customs operations. The National Centre for Border Security and Immigration at the University of Arizona has developed an AI prototype called the ‘Automated Virtual Agent for Truth Assessments in Real Time’ (AVATAR). Funded by the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS), it has been designed on the principles of Machine Learning (ML), computer vision, and Natural Language Processing (NLP).

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Oppressive Automaton: Israel’s AI-Enabled Warfare

As militaries around the world contemplate the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in warfare, the onslaught of Israel in the Gaza Strip offers an important point of reflection. This article explores the AI system called ‘Gospel’ or ‘Habsorah’, pioneered by Unit 8200 – an Intelligence Corps Unit – of the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF).

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