Data-Driven Election Campaigns: Protecting Voter Privacy

Over the past several years, data has been utilised to facilitate election campaigns in various countries, but the multifaceted notion of Data-Driven Campaigns (DDC) has become more prevalent in recent years. With elections scheduled for more than  60 countries in 2024 (with 44 countries having already voted,

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Chinars in Chains : India’s Siege of Jammu and Kashmir

Following the landslide victory of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in the 2019 Indian General Elections, the government led by Narendra Modi swiftly announced revocation of the special status of Jammu & Kashmir by repealing Articles 370 and 35A of the Indian Constitution on 5 August 2019. More than five years on, the Muslim majority of Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) continues to

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Multiple-Central Bank Digital Currency Platforms : An Alternative to the Dollar-Based Payment System?

The United States Dollar (USD) has long enjoyed the ‘exorbitant privilege’ of being at the centre of the international financial and trade system, serving as the dominant currency for holding financial assets and facilitating cross-border payments. The dollar-based international payment system has three major components:

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Shifting Dynamics: Brain Chips as the Next Battlefield  

Composed of 86 billion neurons, the human brain is nothing short of an absolute marvel. This composite cobweb is slowly but surely becoming a technological hotspot, with massive funds poured to detect and record its activity and synergise it with smart devices, a phenomenon called Brain-Chip Interface (BCI).

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Pakistan of 2047

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Predicting Pakistan’s future is a complex task given its challenging socio-political landscape, economy, law and order, and rapidly evolving regional and global geopolitics. Uncertainties surrounding these factors make it

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Fixing Pakistan’s Budget

The question of fiscal sustainability has long haunted the Federal Budget of Pakistan. As deficits have widened over consecutive years, reform efforts have been piecemeal and trivial at best, and counterproductive at worst. What Pakistan’s budgetary architecture requires, however, is a systematic overhaul. By contrast,

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Half a Decade of Amplified Suppression in Indian Occupied Jammu & Kashmir

Fifth August 2024 marks half a decade since India annexed the Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) and denied the disputed territory’s right to statehood through a rushed presidential decree. Months after winning the second term in the Lok Sabha polls 2019, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) government revoked

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Democracy in the 21st Century:Exploring Contemporary Trends

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In the aftermath of the Cold War, a wave of democratisation, coined by American political scientist Samuel Huntington as the ‘Third Wave’ swept across the world. The wave refers to the transition of several non-democratic setups to democratic ones, promising a future where democratic ideals would grow.

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