Opinion Articles

Mismanaging Modern Wars

There are numerous study centres, think tanks, and departments in every university all over the world, teaching about conflict management, resolution, crisis

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Opinion Articles

Deterrent Value of Democracy

The title of this article might raise a few eyebrows because the term “deterrence” is considered the exclusive domain of the strategic community, at least in Pakistan.

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Opinion Articles

Fear War and Dear Peace

In another article ‘Warfare versus Welfare’ published in Daily Times on October 11, 2022. I argued that ‘While warfare brings pain and punishment (P2D2) for the poor people of a developing nation,

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Opinion Articles

Significance of Aerospace Power: GSTAR is Back!

The Centre for Aerospace & Security Studies (CASS) is organising the Second Edition of its flagship International Conference ‘Global Strategic Threat & Response’ (GSTAR) on 19-20 October 2022. The first GSTAR was

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Opinion Articles

Warfare versus Welfare

Trust me, I am not initiating a debate between the realists and the liberalists or the idealists–yet again. Just thinking that similar-looking words, nearly the same sound and spellings, can have such

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