Modi’s India on a Killing Spree

For a long time, India has projected itself as the world’s largest democracy. Western countries, driven by their economic and geopolitical interests, have often overlooked Indian, especially the present government’s human rights violations, persecution of minorities, curbs on media and even support for terrorist activities on foreign countries.

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Peace and Proliferation: Challenges in the Middle East

The Middle East has traditionally remained a hotbed of regional conflicts and interstate rivalries which have almost always seen involvement of extra-regional forces. While the past decade has seen intensification of these conflicts and increased anxieties owing to perceived Iranian nuclear ambitions, there have also been major moments of

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Social Media’s Role in Fomenting Extremism in Pakistan

In this era of information warfare, rapid communication tools, such as Facebook, Skype, Text, Instagram, Linkedin, Twitter, and WhatsApp, are frequently exploited by adversaries for communication and data sharing. Oxford Internet Institute reported that these platforms empower various entities to manipulate public opinion,

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Meaningful Dissent

Conflict can be healthy, positive, and even necessary – if regard for the common good drives non-violent opposition. Rooted in the belief that meaningful dissent is essential for progress and an equitable future, this article asserts that state-restrictions on dissent is both counterproductive and increasingly difficult in the digital age.

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The Subhedars

The mainstay of current tax reform discussions in Pakistan arrives at the unanimous conclusion that the tax system is deeply flawed and cannot continue the way that it has. The most prominent and à propos recommendations include an expansion of the tax base, a reduction of unfair burden

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Christopher Clary, The Difficult Politics of Peace: Rivalry in Modern South Asia

The author of ‘The Difficult Politics of Peace: Rivalry in Modern South Asia’ is Christopher Clary, Associate Professor of Political Science at the University at Albany, State University of New York, and a Non-Resident Fellow of the Stimson Center’s South Asia programme in Washington, D.C.

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Space Exploration: The Unification of Past, Present and Future

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The enchanting realm of space exploration continues to unfold new wonders with every passing day, sparking a growing interest among individuals to embark on their own cosmic journeys. While exploring space with the aid of private companies that charge fortunes is a privilege usually

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Why are Pakistanis Moving Abroad?

Barbers are generally very talkative. They always like to give their point of view on host of issues, ranging from what’s happening in locality to politics and sometimes even religion. I try and get a haircut at least once a month and visit different barber shops. Last month when I visited a nearby barber shop, the barber was very quiet which was a bit unusual.

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PIA and the Promise of Privatisation

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The Pakistan International Airlines (PIA), once the shining jewel among global airlines, still carries the legacy of its golden era. Though recent decades have posed challenges and shifted the carrier to face financial headwinds, the spirit of the airline remains undimmed. The combined challenges of a fluctuating economy, global events such as the COVID-19 ​

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