Anti-Drone Technology: Shielding the Battlefield from Drone Warfare

Growing use of drones in contemporary military operations has transformed them into one of the most formidable innovations on the battlefield. According to a study, over 95 states possess drone technology, among which more than ten countries have used drones for active combat

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Drones, Deterrence and Dominance: Russia’s Arctic Ambitions Amid Global Tensions

With the outburst of the Russia-Ukraine war and the seismic effects of climate change, the Arctic is once again in the geopolitical spotlight. The growing accessibility to the untapped hydrocarbon reserves and increased maritime traffic

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Shifting Dynamics: Brain Chips as the Next Battlefield  

Composed of 86 billion neurons, the human brain is nothing short of an absolute marvel. This composite cobweb is slowly but surely becoming a technological hotspot, with massive funds poured to detect and record its activity and synergise it with smart devices, a phenomenon called Brain-Chip Interface (BCI).

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