Swarm Drone Technology: Military Advantage or Ethical Dilemma?

Nature is reflective of the fact that the deficiencies of a single individual are often compensated for by coordinated group efforts, as seen in a pack of wolves, colony of bees, and flock of birds, etc. Rapid advancements in military technologies have materialised this natural phenomenon through the development of swarm drone technology.


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India’s Agni-V Test and Its Ramifications for Region

On 11 March 2024, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced the first successful test launch of the Agni-V Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM). It featured Multiple Independently Targetable Re-Entry Vehicle (MIRV) technology. The launch was named ‘Mission Divyastra,’ – a reference to the Hindu mythological weapons of ultimate destruction. The test bears testimony to India’s continued endeavours to enhance the reach, precision, and assuredness of its delivery system even at the cost of impacting regional strategic stability. The test also signifies a subtle shift from India’s nuclear doctrine.


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Mafias in Modern Times

The term ‘Mafia’ traces its roots to Sicily, where it emerged as a covert international organisation. Initially perceived as a group formed to resist oppression, it swiftly morphed into a nefarious criminal organisation. This transformation was notably transported to the United States in the late 19th Century by Italian immigrants. Known by various monikers such as the Syndicate, the Mob, and Cosa Nostra (literally ‘Our Thing’), the Mafia has etched a distinct identity in the criminal underworld.

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