Opinion Articles

PAF: Past, present and future

Within one year of Pakistan’s emergence as the largest Islamic state in the world; its founder, Quaid-i-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah defined a vision for the formation and development of the Pakistan Air

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Opinion Articles

The Future belongs to Aerospace Powers

The onset of the twentieth century saw the emergence of air as a new medium for warfare that would be transformed into battlegrounds within the space of little over a decade. Despite

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Opinion Articles

The Future of Hypersonic Weapons

With increasing competition in emerging technologies between technologically advanced countries, the arms race has intensified and the acquisition of technologies like hypersonic weapons has become a priority for major players. While competition

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Opinion Articles

Space: The Final Frontier

Space-based technologies that have civil and military uses are drawing greater interest with more countries entering into this field. Development beyond peaceful uses i.e. weaponization of outer space is a growing concern

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