Indigenisation of Drones: A Security Imperative for Pakistan

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For any state, it is of paramount importance how it guarantees national security. This can be ensured through the use or threat of use of force and also mobilising its defence sector in times of conflict and war. In other words, it revolves around the defence capabilities that allow a state to carry out fundamental functions including ‘preventing, deterring, coercing and countering national security threats’.

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Why are Pakistanis Moving Abroad?

Barbers are generally very talkative. They always like to give their point of view on host of issues, ranging from what’s happening in locality to politics and sometimes even religion. I try and get a haircut at least once a month and visit different barber shops. Last month when I visited a nearby barber shop, the barber was very quiet which was a bit unusual.

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The course of a nation’s life, it may come at a crossroads where difficult decisions must be made that exact weighty concessions from the status quo. Elites must, in such conditions, yield to the wider

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