Making Pakistan’s Economic Recovery Sustainable

2023 began on a dismal note for Pakistan’s economy, as foreign exchange reserves were fast-depleting, remittances and exports were declining, the rupee was depreciating, industrial production was decreasing, and inflation surged – resulting from a confluence of multiple internal and external factors. In the months leading up to June, newspaper and media headlines continued to warn that the country’s economic crisis could soon morph into a sovereign default without a bailout loan from the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

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Aerospace Superiority: A New Normal in US-China Competition

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In recent decades, there have been substantial developments in the aerospace industry around the globe. With considerable increase in funding, innovation in the aerospace sector has gained significant momentum, fostering more competition in the respective domain. In 2021, around USD10 billion capital was invested in space companies.

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Paul Hawken, Regeneration, Ending the Climate Crisis in One Generation

Paul Hawken, a renowned environmentalist, entrepreneur, and author, has long been at the forefront of advocating for sustainable solutions to some of the world’s most pressing challenges. He is not only an influential thinker but also the founder of Project Drawdown, a comprehensive plan to reverse global warming. In his latest work, ‘Regeneration: Ending the Climate Crisis in One Generation,’ he offers an inspiring and persuasive vision for tackling the climate crisis.

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Playing Catch Up: US-China Li-ion Battery Competition

As the world struggles to decouple from fossil fuels under the umbrella of a green future, the demand for critical minerals is increasing. The clean technology industry, like many others, relies upon critical minerals or ‘Rare Earth Elements’ extracted from the ground. Lithium is one such metal critical for electric rechargeable batteries heavily used in Electric Vehicles (EVs) and electrical grid storage.

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India’s Electoral Saffron Tide and the Eclipse of Secularism

The outgoing year 2023, like most years since 2014, was characterised by India’s further descent into saffronisation. ‘Saffronisation’ refers to power politics employed by the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) to mould every aspect of life in India according to the ethos of right-wing Hindutva extremism, which has been the hallmark of this party.

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COP28: Rhetoric Overshadows Climate Action vs Defence Spending

Yet another Conference of the Parties (COP) to address the existential challenge to planet Earth and the human species in the form of climate change concluded in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) on 13 December 2023. It had to be extended by one day as the required consensus on phasing out of fossil fuels could not be achieved on the final declaration due to the intransigence of oil-producing countries.

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Boycotts: Moral Choices in Turbulent Times

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Resistance has many forms. At its core, it reflects how inaction towards injustice is synonymous to complicity. In this regard, the Armed Conflict Location & Events Data project has recently analysed the Israel-Palestine conflict, offering insightful data. According to their report, mass mobilisations have been observed, with approximately 7,283 pro-Palestine protests, from 7th October to 24th November, in 118 countries and territories.

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Tim Mcfarland, Autonomous Weapon Systems and the Law of Armed Conflict: Compatibility with International Humanitarian Law

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Autonomous Weapon Systems (AWS) are a rapidly evolving disruptive technology that not only impact the characteristics of warfare but also pose significant challenges for the Law of Armed Conflict (LOAC). The distinctive feature these weapons present is their ability to select and eliminate their targets without human intervention. While these weapon systems have been gaining much consideration amongst Armed Forces of a number of countries, they are also becoming an immediate cause of humanitarian, ethical and legal concern.

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Joachim Klement, Geo-Economics: The Interplay between Geopolitics, Economics, and Investments

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In ‘Geo-Economics: The Interplay between Geopolitics, Economics, and Investments,’ Joachim Klement delves into the intricate relationship between geopolitical events and the world of finance and investment. Through evidence-based data and analysis, Klement explores how geopolitical trends shape the global economy and financial markets, both in the present and the foreseeable future.

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Stephen Wolfram, What Is ChatGPT Doing … and Why Does It Work?

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Artificial Intelligence (AI) models such as ChatGPT have become increasingly popular owing to their impressive human-like responses generated in an unexpectedly short time. Individuals from all age groups continue to explore such models with great excitement, given their captivating potential in different fields from content writing to coding.

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