Mustafa Bilal

Research Assistant

Mustafa Bilal

Professional Experience

Mustafa Bilal is a Research Assistant at the Centre for Aerospace & Security Studies (CASS), Islamabad. He has done his BS in International Relations from the National Defence University (NDU), Islamabad. His research interests include technopolitics, astropolitics, military aviation and warfare.


Exploding Electronics: Weaponisation of Consumer Technologies

It is rather ironic that in a month which started with the launch of the latest iPhones and the first tri-foldable smartphone, technologically obsolete pagers and walkie talkies have garnered global attention. Headlines in the past few days have revolved around the exploding electronics in


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Trusting Autonomy in Military Aviation

The imagination of military aviation enthusiasts has remained captivated by the idea of self-flying fighter aircraft for decades. Hollywood tried to cash in on this back in 2005 with the release of Stealth which depicted an AI-controlled Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicle (UCAV) slated to replace human pilots in the future.


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