What Big Oil Knew-
Opinion Articles

What Big Oil Knew

The global climate crisis has been the subject of much popular attention and some policy concern. International summits have continued to raise the issue

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The Corporate Soul
Opinion Articles

The Corporate Soul

After the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, there was a systemic push by the Western powers to retaliate against Russia in the economic domain.

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Opinion Articles

The Longer March

The world is beset by a deep, frightening, and wide-ranging economic malaise, which is likely to morph into an officially-declared global recession in 2023.

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Opinion Articles

Geoeconomics and the Asia-Pacific Region

First coined by geostrategist Edward Luttwak in 1990 to describe economics as the primary domain for rivalry among countries in the post-Cold War era, ‘geoeconomics’ has gained notable prominence in theory and

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Opinion Articles

The Vanguard of Geoeconomics

As the new National Security Policy (NSP) unequivocally states, geoeconomics is the new paradigmthrough which Pakistan will shape its security calculus. As a whole-of-government document, the NSPdirects the entirety of the state

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