Playing the Pakistan Card: India’s Political Gambit & Regional Implications

The Indian domestic political system remains incomplete without exploitation of anti-Pakistan sentiment.  Historically, anti-Pakistan stance has repeatedly been a recipe for success, especially in the general, and some critical state elections.

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India’s LCA Tejas: A Strategic Investment or a Legacy Liability?

When the Indian Airforce (IAF) Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) Tejas showcased its capabilities at the prestigious Bahrain International Air Show, all eyes were on it, especially since the Chief of Air Staff of the Pakistan Airforce (CAS PAF) was also in Bahrain for an official visit.

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Navigating Darker Facets of the Dark Web in Pakistan

The Dark Web is a relatively minor yet integral portion of the Deep Web, a realm within the Internet that is not easily accessible through conventional search engines like Google, etc. Coined by Computer Scientist Michael K. Bergman in 2001, the term ‘Deep Web’ was introduced to differentiate it from the ‘surface internet’.

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The power crisis has made the people powerless. Much is being said about mounting public discontent regarding their bijli (electricity) bills, with widespread protests having erupted around the country, and with some incidences of extreme self-harm among individuals driven to desperation by the unbearable electricity costs.

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Washington’s ‘De-risking’ Strategy amid the Semiconductor Race

Semiconductors or microchips are a critical technology for the United States (US) as well as the entire world because they power nearly everything – be it cars, smartphones, MRI scanners, airliners, industrial robots, data centres, autonomous vehicles, Artificial Intelligence or advanced weapon systems.

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Playing with Fire: The US’ Risky Partnership with India’s Rising Autocracy

The United States-India partnership is often projected as one based on ‘shared values of freedom, democracy, human rights, inclusion, pluralism, and equal opportunities for all citizens.’ At the core of this narrative lies the leadership of India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

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Rising Above: The Pakistan Air Force’s Enduring Legacy of Professionalism, Perseverance & Prowess

The Pakistan Air Force (PAF) stands among the world’s most professional and competent air forces. With a proven track record, it has successfully faced an adversary thrice its size in wars and conflicts.It also holds the unique distinction of having fought against the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, a superpower at the time,

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Remembering the Unbeatable ‘Little Dragon’:  Muhammad Mahmood Alam

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Whenever there would be reminiscing about the events of September 1965, it would be incomplete without mentioning the heroics of then-Squadron Leader Muhammad Mahmood Alam (M.M. Alam) of the Pakistan Air Force (PAF), who defended the airspace of the country with unmatchable gallantry and resilience. ​

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Climate Change and the Linguistic Meltdown

Throughout human history, languages have woven stories, traditions, and identities for millennia. They are vessels of knowledge, carrying the wisdom of generations and providing a unique lens through which the world is perceived. Yet, as the monumental challenge of climate change grows, a lesser-known casualty emerges - the gradual erosion and extinction of languages.

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BRICS Expansion

The 15th BRICS summit in Johannesburg might stand out in the economic history of the developing world as something akin to the Bandung Conference of 1955. The summit earns this weight because of the explicit invitation to new members that was issued at the conclusion of the event, thereby delineating an expansion of the BRICS “bloc” to expand the economic participation of the developing

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