Usman Haider

Research Assistant

Usman Haider

Professional Experience

Usman Haider is a Research Assistant at the Centre for Aerospace & Security Studies (CASS), Islamabad. He is currently pursuing MPhil in Strategic Studies from the National Defence University (NDU), Islamabad. Earlier, he completed his undergraduate degree in Strategic Studies from the same university. His research interests include military strategy, strategic stability in South Asia, India’s defence and foreign policy, and arms control and disarmament.


More Headwinds for the Indian Navy

The Indian Navy frequently appears in the headlines, often not for its achievements but for accidents. The INS Brahmaputra incident is the latest in a series of accidents that have plagued the service over the past two decades. A report released earlier this year highlighted that between


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Indian Military’s Embrace of Cyber Warfare

Cyber warfare has revolutionised contemporary warfare beyond traditional direct military engagements by using non-kinetic means to achieve defined military objectives. It plays a critical role, from intercepting enemy communications to degrading critical infrastructures. Moreover, cyberwarfare provides cost-effective, covert,


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