Shaheer Ahmad

Research Assistant

Shaheer Ahmad

Professional Experience

Shaheer Ahmad is a Research Assistant at the Centre for Aerospace & Security Studies (CASS), Islamabad, with prior experience at the Institute of Strategic Studies, Islamabad, and the Consortium of Indo-Pacific Researchers in New Jersey. He holds a Bachelor’s in International Relations from the National Defence University (NDU). His research focuses on the intersection of international relations, geopolitics, military strategy, and emerging technologies, with regional emphasis on the Asia-Pacific, Arctic, and South Asia. His current work explores the impact of emerging technologies on geopolitics, warfare, and military strategy.


Shifting Dynamics: Brain Chips as the Next Battlefield  

Composed of 86 billion neurons, the human brain is nothing short of an absolute marvel. This composite cobweb is slowly but surely becoming a technological hotspot, with massive funds poured to detect and record its activity and synergise it with smart devices, a phenomenon called Brain-Chip Interface (BCI).


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