Shaheer Ahmad

Research Assistant

Shaheer Ahmad

Professional Experience

Shaheer Ahmad is a Research Assistant at the Centre for Aerospace & Security Studies (CASS), Islamabad, with prior experience at the Institute of Strategic Studies, Islamabad, and the Consortium of Indo-Pacific Researchers in New Jersey. He holds a Bachelor’s in International Relations from the National Defence University (NDU). His research focuses on the intersection of international relations, geopolitics, military strategy, and emerging technologies, with regional emphasis on the Asia-Pacific, Arctic, and South Asia. His current work explores the impact of emerging technologies on geopolitics, warfare, and military strategy.


Swift Retort and the Future of Air Dominance

‘What all could have happened if we had Rafale?’ This statement by India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi surfaced
‘What all could have happened if we had Rafale?’ This statement by India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi surfaced


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