US-China Economic Thaw?

Over the past few years, economic relations between the two global superpowers have been simultaneously characterized by sustained practical engagement and acrimonious rhetoric. The two-way US-China trade volume is $0.7 trillion dollars, which would suggest that the trading relationship is the

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The Shipwrecked Mind

In his groundbreaking work The Shipwrecked Mind, Mark Lilla attempts to understand the zeal of reactionaries, unable to grapple with the present and lost in a sea of tumultuous ideas. The title resonates on multiple levels with those who have seen a flurry of disquieting events transpire recently, not least in

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TERF’s Turf

Considerable controversy has emerged over the Temporary Economic Refinance Facility (TERF), a pandemic-era stimulus program that was launched under the auspices of the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) as a concessionary financing facility for capital investment.

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Save the Salaried Class

The salaried class in Pakistan has long borne the brunt of iniquitous taxation. Although not large in terms of sheer numbers per se, their tax effort is far larger than that of many sectors that are either uncovered or under-covered by the ramshackle tax architecture.

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