Population Growth

Mitigating Pakistan’s Population Challenges

Water, Education, Economy and Population (WEEP) are critical issues that have far-reaching effects on any country. Each element of WEEP has an over-arching impact on every stratum of society which in turn influences the security of a state. These elements determine the quality of life of the nation, that’s why all of their parameters must be monitored continuously by concerned stakeholders. Inadequacies in any of these can be detrimental to the National Security of a state. Unfortunately, Pakistan is confronted with acute challenges in each domain of WEEP.

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Indian Electoral Politics: Unpacking India’s Pre-Poll Dynamics & Implications for Region

The next General Elections in India are planned in April-May 2024. Going by the past practices, the BJP government is expected to draw domestic political mileage by playing the security card. Pakistan is likely to be the target of Indian diplomatic and media onslaught. India is also expected to venture into a limited military operation to up the ante and incite anti-Pakistan sentiments which can be effectively translated into the BJP’s electoral gains.

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CVE report
National Security

Advancing Resilience: Unleashing the Potential of CVE in Pakistan

Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) involves a broad range of non-combative measures taken by governments and Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) focused on curbing the various multifaceted drivers and causes of violent extremism. Over the years, the concept of CVE has gained significant traction in the global realm.

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food security
National Security

Food Security for Pakistan

The significance of food security for any state cannot be overemphasised as it is directly linked with the well-being of its people. Food security, as an essential element of human security is, hence, inextricably linked to the national security of Pakistan.

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GSTAR 2022

GSTAR 2022

Momentous developments are taking place across all domains which are deeply affecting the global, regional, and national security environment. These include accelerating United States-China rivalry, growing

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