Public Value and Citizen-Driven Digital Innovation: A Cryptocurrency Study
Public value theory was conceived in a time before the far-reaching consequences of the digital era were fully realized, without sufficient explicit consideration
Public value theory was conceived in a time before the far-reaching consequences of the digital era were fully realized, without sufficient explicit consideration
Let me first explain the acronym, MESACA. It stands for “Middle East-South Asia-Central Asia.” Expanding regional connectivity between MESACA can prove to be a game-changer, particularly for
The Islamic Republic of Pakistan stands tall at 75 after its independence from British India on 14 August 1947 facing a tougher battle ahead. Pakistan is now
‘I go to get registered as an IDP and they dismiss me. I don’t want to live here. I don’t want my children out on the streets.
The primary reason for US’ vehement opposition to China’s rise to a great (and eventually) superpower status is due to the threat it believes Beijing poses to
The recent incident at the Pak-Afghan border has once again brought the issue of Durand Line in the media. Reportedly, some local Afghan Taliban dismantled the border
While there is a lot of emphasis on human security in the recently released National Security Policy of Pakistan, and rightly so, I do not see enough
The strategic partnership between India and the United States has deepened over the years and both are now major defence partners. India is also part of the
From the past few months, scientists in the United States are trying to solve a mystery that they named ‘Havana Syndrome’. The seriousness of the matter can
The month-long debate between self-centred politicians and the pseudo-intellectuals on the shifting paradigms of Pakistan’s policies from geo-strategy to geo-economics has done little for the people of
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