Zahra Niazi

Research Assistant


Zahra Niazi

Professional Experience

Zahra Niazi is a Researcher at the Centre for Aerospace & Security Studies (CASS), Islamabad, Pakistan. She holds a Masters in Development Studies, with majors in Peace, Conflict and Development, from the National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST), Pakistan. Her research interests include Sustainable Development, Peace and Development, and Development Economics.


PIA and the Promise of Privatisation

The Pakistan International Airlines (PIA), once the shining jewel among global airlines, still carries the legacy of its golden era. Though recent decades have posed challenges and shifted the carrier to face financial headwinds, the spirit of the airline remains undimmed. The combined challenges of a fluctuating economy, global events such as the COVID-19 ​

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Cost-of-Living Crisis: Here to Stay for a While!

With inflation hitting record-high levels, millions of low- and middle-income Pakistanis are reeling from a cost-of-living crisis. Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine in late February last year and the subsequent global commodity price hikes, costs of

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