nuclear security
Opinion Articles

The importance of Nuclear Security Culture

As demand for nuclear energy increase, many states are developing long-term plans for production and consumption. But as research and development expands, for example of small modular reactors, can these states ensure

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Nuclear South Asia: Challenges and Prospects

Centre for Aerospace and Security Studies (CASS) hosted a webinar titled “Nuclear South Asia: Challenges and Prospects” on June 2, 2020. The event was organized to review nuclear related developments in South

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Nuclear South Asia

Nuclear South Asia: Challenges and Prospects

Concept Note It’s been more than two decades since India and Pakistan formally declared themselves as nuclear weapon states. Both countries are improving their deterrence capabilities with India trying to emerge as

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Opinion Articles

Cyber Threats and Nuclear Security in India

Space-based technologies that have civil and military uses are drawing greater interest with more countries entering into this field. Development beyond peaceful uses i.e. weaponization of outer space is a growing concern

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