Virtual Book Launch
Book Launch

Public Value and the Post-Pandemic Society

The book, written by CASS Advisor Dr Usman W Chohan, examines many different facets that appeal deeply to public value scholarship: value stability & transitions, inequalities within & between publics, necropolitics, disaster

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Opinion Articles


The world now faces the haunting specter of economic stagnation combined with relentless inflation, a dangerous situation often termed “stagflation” by economists. When prices are rising, but the economy
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dissemination of critical information
Opinion Articles

The Good Messengers

The dissemination of critical information about natural disasters, including pandemics, is premised on international cooperation with transparency and good faith. This requires countries to alert the world as soon as they can

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Opinion Articles

The Sick Man of Asia

Although much of the world is preparing to move past the Covid-19 pandemic, with large immunization programs and the reopening of economic activity, there is one country that has, since the beginning

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Opinion Articles

Turning a Challenge into an Opportunity

When COVID-19 first appeared in the city of Wuhan, China in November 2019, most of the western countries were seen criticising the Chinese government for poor governance and laboratory failure. However, when

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Opinion Articles

COVID-19 Lessons from our Neighbor

In the past two weeks, we have witnessed heartbreaking images which depict the horrible state of COVID-19 in neighboring India. The ongoing pandemic has taken an extremely dangerous form there and it

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covid in india
Opinion Articles

The Funeral Pyres

The funeral pyres are burning brightly across India these days, as 3 lakh daily cases and nearly 3000 daily coronavirus deaths are being reported in the official statistics. Given that there is

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partnership for cure
Opinion Articles

A Partnership for the Cure

In the global vaccine drive against Covid-19, which began around the world in late 2020, developing countries came to find themselves at a considerable disadvantage in the procurement and distribution of dosages

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moral vaccination
Opinion Articles

The Moral Vaccination

In 2020, the world waited with bated breath as pharma companies around the world raced to arrive at a workable, safe, and efficient vaccine against the coronavirus (Covid-19). By December, 2020, good

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