Usman Haider

Research Assistant

Usman Haider

Professional Experience

Usman Haider is a Research Assistant at the Centre for Aerospace & Security Studies (CASS), Islamabad. He is currently pursuing MPhil in Strategic Studies from the National Defence University (NDU), Islamabad. Earlier, he completed his undergraduate degree in Strategic Studies from the same university. His research interests include military strategy, strategic stability in South Asia, India’s defence and foreign policy, and arms control and disarmament.


India’s Agni-V Test and Its Ramifications for Region

On 11 March 2024, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced the first successful test launch of the Agni-V Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM). It featured Multiple Independently Targetable Re-Entry Vehicle (MIRV) technology. The launch was named ‘Mission Divyastra,’ – a reference to the Hindu mythological weapons of ultimate destruction. The test bears testimony to India’s continued endeavours to enhance the reach, precision, and assuredness of its delivery system even at the cost of impacting regional strategic stability. The test also signifies a subtle shift from India’s nuclear doctrine.


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Indo-US MQ-9B Drone Deal: A Threat to Pakistan’s National Security?

The US government last month approved the deal of selling 31 MQ-9B drones to India for an amount of USD 3.99 billion. The agreement besides drones, also included 170 Hellfire AGMs, 310 GBU-39/B glide bombs, anti-submarine equipment, training kits and spare parts. As part of the transaction, the Indian military will get 16 Sky Guardian drones to be equally divided between the Indian Army and Air Force, whereas the Indian Navy will receive 15 Sea Guardian drones.

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India’s Indigenous Aircraft Manufacturing: A Reality Check

Narendra Modi initiated an ambitious ‘Make in India’ project in 2014 emphasising domestic manufacturing and removing hurdles that prevented foreign collaboration in the defence sector because of the government’s strict foreign investment and joint venture regulations. Since he arrived in Panchavati (the official residential complex of the Indian PM), the indigenisation drive accelerated considerably.

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