Dr. Usman W. Chohan


Dr Usman Chohan

Dr. Usman W. Chohan

Professional Experience

Dr. Usman W. Chohan is an international economist and academic who was one of the founding Directors of CASS, now serving as Advisor to President CASS on Economic Affairs & National Development. He is among the Top 100 Authors across all subjects & disciplines (out of 1.2 million authors) on the Social Science Research Network (SSRN), which is the largest open repository of knowledge in the world. At CASS, he has authored/edited eight books in the past five years,  all published with Routledge (see below). In the academic realm, his research has been cited widely, and Dr. Chohan has testified before various authorities based on his technical expertise. He has been published in prestigious journals such as Policy & Society, The International Journal of Public Administration, and Parliamentary Affairs.

Dr. Chohan has a PhD in economics from UNSW Australia, where his doctoral work led to the world’s first multidisciplinary synthesis of independent legislative fiscal institutions, and an MBA from McGill University (Canada), with coursework at MIT-Tsinghua. His previous practitioner experience includes working at the National Bank of Canada and the World Bank. Dr. Chohan has been a speaker at major national conferences such as GSTAR and the Margalla Dialogue. He is also the President of the International Association of Hyperpolyglots (HYPIA), the leading organization worldwide for hyperpolyglotism and whose membership consists of the speakers of six or more languages. He appears frequently on domestic and international televisionpodcasts, and lecture series in various languages. He is also trained in South Asian musicology and plays the sitar. In addition, Dr. Chohan has maintained an annual reading challenge of 100 books every year since 2011.

List of Books at CASS

  1. Public Value & Budgeting: International Perspectives
  2. Reimagining Public Managers: Delivering Public Value
  3. Public Value and the Digital Economy,
  4. Pandemics and Public Value Management,
  5. Activist Retail Investors and the Future of Financial Markets(co-edited)
  6. Public Value and the Post-Pandemic Society
  7. Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs): Multidisciplinary Perspectives(edited),

Forthcoming books

  1. Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs): Innovation and Vulnerability in the Digital Economy (co-edited).
  2. Critical Polyglot Studies (co-authored)
  3. Public Governance on the Blockchain (co-edited)



Our Sovereign Wealth

Sovereign wealth funds (SWF) are one of the most potent financial forces of the modern era, and having carefully studied SWFs through the prism of public value, I have come to see considerable merits in creating such institutions, but only in specific contexts.

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In Our Nature

Of the many shortcomings in economic pedagogy, one that is particularly worrisome is the omission of natural capital. Economists excessively discount (or simply ignore) the value of nature in production, taking nature’s bounty as an entirely boundless sum.

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Economic Freedom

The libertarian schools of economic thought have long placed emphasis on the concept of economic freedom, and the central premise of their thinking is that the greatest prosperity will ensue only when individuals are allowed to build wealth without coercion, limitation, theft, or hindrance.

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US-China Economic Thaw?

Over the past few years, economic relations between the two global superpowers have been simultaneously characterized by sustained practical engagement and acrimonious rhetoric. The two-way US-China trade volume is $0.7 trillion dollars, which would suggest that the trading relationship is the

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The Shipwrecked Mind

In his groundbreaking work The Shipwrecked Mind, Mark Lilla attempts to understand the zeal of reactionaries, unable to grapple with the present and lost in a sea of tumultuous ideas. The title resonates on multiple levels with those who have seen a flurry of disquieting events transpire recently, not least in

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OA Turf

TERF’s Turf

Considerable controversy has emerged over the Temporary Economic Refinance Facility (TERF), a pandemic-era stimulus program that was launched under the auspices of the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) as a concessionary financing facility for capital investment.

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Save the Salaried Class

The salaried class in Pakistan has long borne the brunt of iniquitous taxation. Although not large in terms of sheer numbers per se, their tax effort is far larger than that of many sectors that are either uncovered or under-covered by the ramshackle tax architecture.

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A Brand New Game Changer!

The economy has undergone tremendous upheaval over the past year, and the public has been trampled by the combined forces of inflation, unemployment, and economic stagnation simultaneously.

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It Takes Two to Crypto

It takes Two To Crypto

Although recent remarks in the Senate standing committee on finance suggest that the government is working towards banning the use of cryptocurrencies in Pakistan, I have argued that the government first needs to offer a sane and reasonable mainstream

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