Why is this a Ripe Time to Promote Solarisation?

A shift towards solar power use has been taking place across Pakistan recently, as declining prices of solar panels, coupled with frequent hikes in electricity tariffs, have galvanised end-consumers to embrace solar solutions. However, this rapid pace of solarisation has sparked concerns within some policy-making circles. Speculations regarding policy changes affecting solar photovoltaic (PV) participants

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Share Wisely: Protecting Data in the Digital Age

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From the moment an individual  wakes up in the morning to the time s/he sets the alarm for the following day - and even while sleeping, one’s life is now being captured in a continuous loop of digital surveillance via tech gadgets. Individual actions, interactions, preferences, and nearly every aspect of the  digital life  is being monitored and converted into data points. This surveillance extends to personal data from sources such as search history, social media platforms, web page views

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Future-Proofing Pakistan’s Foreign Policy in an Evolving Geopolitical Context

Situated in the heart of South Asia and central to significant economic corridors, Pakistan’s ambition to enhance regional connectivity and integration is contingent upon a foreign policy that adeptly navigates ever-evolving geopolitical dynamics. These include the Sino-US rivalry, instability in Afghanistan, India’s aggressive posture,

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