Rising Above: The Pakistan Air Force’s Enduring Legacy of Professionalism, Perseverance & Prowess

The Pakistan Air Force (PAF) stands among the world’s most professional and competent air forces. With a proven track record, it has successfully faced an adversary thrice its size in wars and conflicts.It also holds the unique distinction of having fought against the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, a superpower at the time,

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Remembering the Unbeatable ‘Little Dragon’:  Muhammad Mahmood Alam

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Whenever there would be reminiscing about the events of September 1965, it would be incomplete without mentioning the heroics of then-Squadron Leader Muhammad Mahmood Alam (M.M. Alam) of the Pakistan Air Force (PAF), who defended the airspace of the country with unmatchable gallantry and resilience. ​

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