Opinion Articles

The Blurring Focus of Pakistan’s Economy

The month-long debate between self-centred politicians and the pseudo-intellectuals on the shifting paradigms of Pakistan’s policies from geo-strategy to geo-economics has done little for the people of Pakistan. Rather, it has further

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Opinion Articles

The Vanguard of Geoeconomics

As the new National Security Policy (NSP) unequivocally states, geoeconomics is the new paradigmthrough which Pakistan will shape its security calculus. As a whole-of-government document, the NSPdirects the entirety of the state

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Opinion Articles

The Lynch Mob Economy

The tragic lynching of Mr. Priyantha Kumara by an incited mob is a painful episode for Pakistan and Sri Lanka alike, since they enjoy warm fraternal relations and a great deal of

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dissemination of critical information
Opinion Articles

The Good Messengers

The dissemination of critical information about natural disasters, including pandemics, is premised on international cooperation with transparency and good faith. This requires countries to alert the world as soon as they can

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Opinion Articles

The BRICs: 20 Years Later

The term “BRICs” was introduced exactly twenty years ago by Baron O’Neill of Gatley as an acronym for emerging markets that would drive economic growth in the 21st century: Brazil, Russia, India,

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Opinion Articles

The Third Stage of Modern China

The historical materialists describe the evolution of society across various stages: (1) feudalism; (2) capitalism; (3) socialism; and (4) Communism, for example, and the fourth stage is the North Star to which

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Opinion Articles

The Unease of Doing Business

The ability to attract international capital is for many governments a question of the utmost priority, and they continually vie for the attention of major global investors by marketing themselves as business-friendly

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Opinion Articles

The Economic Battle for Kabul

The tumult of rapid regime change in Afghanistan has meant that a great deal of economic uncertainty looms large; and not just in the country itself, but also among its immediate neighbors.

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