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The history of Pakistan and India is marred with enduring rivalry. In the last seven decades, the two neighbours have been embroiled in full-fledged wars and limited conflicts. With a Hindutva-inspired regime in power for nearly a decade, an aggressive anti-Pakistan narrative has been a key facet of its policy framework. The findings of this research reveal that the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) benefits from this anti-Pakistan narrative and military adventurism. These activities help flare up nationalist sentiments, divert attention from critical domestic issues and materialise into favourable outcomes in elections. With General Elections in India in 2024, there is an increased likelihood that the Indian leadership may seek to leverage its political standing by taking military action aimed at Pakistan as it has done in the past. These manoeuvres could significantly undermine future bilateral relations and threaten regional stability. In such a context, Pakistan must remain cognizant of these trends and be prepared to address any threats that may arise due to aggressive Indian behaviour.

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