food security

Food Security for Pakistan

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  • Post category:Reports
  • Reading time:2 mins read

The significance of food security for any state cannot be overemphasised as it is directly linked with the well-being of its people. Food security, as an essential element of human security is, hence, inextricably linked to the national security of Pakistan. Unfortunately, Pakistan’s vulnerability to food insecurity has been increasing overtime for various reasons. Some of these reasons include a growing population, gross neglect of the agriculture sector, mismanagement of water resources, lack of research for the development of requisite technologies to improve agricultural yields, and negative impact of climate change, among others.


This article is published at CASS Website. CASS ( “Centre for Aerospace & Security Studies”) is an independent think tank located in Islamabad, Pakistan. CASS is unique in its specialization of Aerospace, as the only think tank in Pakistan to carry out systematic research in the domain. The aerospace sector is a key driver behind globalization, playing a pivotal role in national security, economic development and in supporting long-term economic growth to facilitate a country’s integration into the global economy.