Air Marshal Javaid Ahmed (Retd)

President CASS


Air Marshal Javaid Ahmed (Retd)

Professional Experience

Air Marshal Javaid Ahmed (Retd) was appointed President of the Centre for Aerospace & Security Studies, Islamabad on 29 April 2024. Previously, he served as Vice Chancellor of Air University.
With a distinguished career spanning approximately 40 years in the Pakistan Air Force (PAF), he has held several critical positions. His roles have included Chairman of the Pakistan Aeronautical Complex (PAC) Kamra, Officer Commanding of the Combat Commanders School, and Chief Project Director of the JF-17 Fighter Aircraft Production Program. He is widely recognised for his expertise in aerospace development policies, as well as doctrine formulation and implementation strategies.
Air Marshal Ahmed is an alumnus of the Air War College, where he graduated in Defense & Strategic Studies. He also holds a Master’s degree in War Studies from the National Defence University, Islamabad. His skills in command and management are complemented by his advanced knowledge in emerging academic fields. Previously, he also served as Director of Policy and Doctrine at CASS, Islamabad.
In recognition of his significant contributions to the Pakistan Air Force, he has been honoured with several prestigious awards, including the Tamgha-i-Imtiaz, Sitara-i-Imtiaz, and Hilal-i-Imtiaz (Military).


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